Hamilton Skin Clinic

How to Get Plump Skin: Top Tips for a Younger Looking Face

How to Get Plump Skin: Top Tips for a Younger-Looking Face

At Hamilton Skin Clinic a radiant, refreshed, and plump-looking skin is the hallmark of a youthful appearance. When the skin loses volume as you age, your complexion begins to look more dull, dry, and tired, which can be frustrating when you think back to how bright and bouncy your skin once was. If you’re wondering how to combat dull skin and get that youthful bounce back, there are several natural and cosmetic remedies you can try for flawless results. Read on for our top skin-plumping tips.

What Does It Mean for Skin to Be Plump?

Plump skin appears youthful and refreshed because it’s full of the nutrients and moisture needed to maintain elasticity. Your skin needs collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to stay plump and hydrated, which work together to keep your skin supple and smooth. The plumper your skin, the more your face will appear bright and awake as if you’ve just woken from a long and restful sleep — even if you haven’t.

Skin stays naturally plump until you reach early adulthood, when collagen production declines by about 1%-1.5% a year. When this happens, your body will generally start working in a collagen deficit, which means you’re using more collagen than you produce. This causes the skin to lose elasticity and is when wrinkles begin to form.

Why Do I Want Plump Skin?

No adult wants to look like a chubby-cheeked toddler, but achieving a more youthful appearance will help you look refreshed and revitalized. Plump skin is a key component of a young-looking visage, so it’s vital to combat dull, tired skin if you want a bright, lifted look.

How to Get Plump Skin Naturally

To combat your skin’s urge to droop and lose luster as you age, you’ll need to work a bit harder to maintain a youthful appearance. These natural skin-plumping methods are a great place to start.

1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Beauty sleep isn’t a myth — getting enough sleep really does help your skin stay young. Skin makes new collagen when you sleep, which prevents sagging and helps to stave off fine lines and wrinkles. If you’re wondering how to get plump skin, a good sleep routine is the first step, so make sure you’re getting at least eight hours every night.

2. Do Regular Exercise

Not only is exercise good for overall health and wellbeing, but it benefits your skin, too. When you exercise and get your heart pumping, you’re boosting the blood flow around the body, nourishing your skin cells with oxygen and other essential nutrients. Exercise even reverses the mitochondrial changes within muscle, which could also make skin appear more youthful.

3. Massage Your Face

By gently massaging your face, you can stimulate the muscle tissue, which improves your skin’s volume and helps with skin plumping. Use your fingers or a quartz roller to make gentle upward motions on your face, encouraging blood and oxygen circulation.

4. Add Skin Plumping Foods to Your Diet

Adjusting your diet to make it more skin-friendly is another easy way to work towards plump skin. Foods containing hyaluronic acid, healthy fats, vitamins, and collagen can make your skin softer, smoother and plumper, helping you hydrate and rejuvenate from the inside out. To improve your diet, pack it with a healthy balance of nutritious superfoods like eggs, avocado and leafy greens, or try a collagen-boosting juice. You could also stock up on ingredients rich in omega 3s and omega 6s, such as salmon, sardines and olive oil.

5. Add Hyaluronic Acid to Your Skincare Routine

As mentioned above, hyaluronic acid is a key ingredient for skin plumping. This gel-like substance exists naturally within the body but becomes less abundant as we age. By replenishing lost hyaluronic acid through your skincare routine, it’s easier to maintain smooth, plump skin.

6. Use Retinol

Retinol is a commonly used skincare product known for its anti-ageing properties, heralded by skincare lovers as a miracle serum for plump skin and an improved complexion. Retinol is a form of vitamin A, an ingredient that promotes skin renewal, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and — you guessed it — enhances that all-important collagen production.

7. Try a Sheet Mask

If you’re looking for a skin-plumping technique that’s quick and simple, try a sheet mask rich in hydrating ingredients. Sheet masks are an effective way to provide your skin with instant moisture and vitamins.

8. Make a DIY Face Mask

If you want to make a skin-plumping mask at home, you can create your very own natural face mask using collagen-rich ingredients like egg whites or avocado.

9. Remember to Exfoliate

Skin can appear dryer and duller due to a buildup of dead skin cells. For more radiant, plump skin, make sure you exfoliate at least once a week, allowing your skincare products to penetrate your skin better.

10. Wear Sunscreen

As well as being the result of a loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid over time, skin ageing can also be caused by sun damage. Remember to apply sunscreen every day to protect your skin against harmful sun rays and prevent premature ageing.

How to Get Plump Skin with Non-Surgical Procedures

As well as trying the natural methods above, several non-surgical aesthetic procedures can help you achieve radiant, plump skin. These treatments are beneficial because they provide visible results very quickly.

Injectable Treatments

Volumisers and botox are both types of safe, injectable treatments that can slow down or reverse the signs of ageing. By injecting small needles into specific areas of the face, these procedures can create younger-looking, plump skin with no downtime required.

Volumisers used in skin hydration therapy are made from pharmaceutical-grade hyaluronic acid, providing moisture and increasing skin elasticity. Botox is made from botulinum toxins that restrict movement in targeted areas to eliminate wrinkles.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a simple facial treatment in which a chemical acid solution is applied to the skin. This minimally invasive treatment does require some recovery time. Still, it can be a great choice to achieve a more youthful look, especially if you also want to reduce acne scarring, sun damage or an uneven skin tone.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a popular option to achieve plump skin as an alternative to botox or dermal volumisers. Also known as a vampire facial, it works by using your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth. The blood is injected into your face with small needles and increases the production of collagen and elastin, which improves plumpness, skin texture and reduces the appearance of fine lines.


Another collagen-stimulating treatment for plump skin is micro-needling, a mildly invasive procedure in which a dermal roller device called Dermapen is used to make tiny pricks all over the face with very fine needles. By causing superficial damage to the skin, the dermis can regenerate itself and produce new collagen for firmer, smoother and younger-looking skin.

Non-Surgical Liquid Facelift

If your face needs a boost all over, you may want to try a non-surgical liquid facelift, which is a bespoke skin plumping treatment that uses a combination of techniques to give you a refreshed and revitalised look. Volumisers, botox and polydioxanone (PDO) threading are used to soften wrinkles, restore volume and add contouring to your face, giving you flawless plump skin and the youthful glow you’ve been dreaming of.

If you want to achieve beautiful, plump skin quickly and with little to no downtime, our skincare experts can help.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation, and we’ll help you find the treatment option that’s right for you.