Hamilton Skin Clinic

Jawline Slimming Treatment

Hamilton Skin Clinic Treatment stats

Treatment Time

10 to 15 minutes

Recovery Time

Zero to little recovery time

Slim The Jaw

Normal activities, like chewing, as well as grinding and clenching the teeth (bruxism) can cause the masseter muscles in the jaw to become inflamed. Over time, the inflammation may increase the size of the muscle and alter the shape of the jawline.

The experienced team at Hamilton Skin Clinic in Hamilton offers jawline slimming treatments with anti wrinkle injections to reduce the size of the masseter muscles for jaw contouring without surgery. The anti wrinkle injections temporarily relax the muscles so the jawline is softened for a smoother, less square appearance. Patients who want to correct a large or square jawline without surgery can schedule a consultation to learn more about jawline slimming at Hamilton Skin Clinic.

Ideal Candidates

Nonsurgical jawline slimming can help patients who want a softer or more even appearance in their lower face. A prominent jawline may be caused by jaw muscles that have become inflamed and enlarged by grinding or clenching. Enlarged jaw muscles may also be a side effect of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. This can create a sharp contour to develop that alters the overall shape of the face. Anti wrinkle injections can help soften the jawline by temporarily relaxing the jaw muscles for a slimmer, smoother shape.

What to Expect

After a consultation to create a custom treatment plan, patients will receive their injections in one of our private procedure rooms. The injector may apply a numbing cream before cleansing the jawline to prepare for the treatment. Once the patient is ready, the team member will make several small injections of BOTOX along the jawline. After the injection, pressure will be applied to the treatment sites before the patient is allowed to leave and resume normal activities. Patients may have some redness and swelling for several days after their treatment that should resolve on its own.

Anticipated Results

It may take up to 2 weeks before patients see visible improvements from their treatment as their jawline begins to soften. Anti wrinkle injections typically reduce the size of the jaw for 3- 6 months, as the treatment softens and relaxes the jaw muscles. Patients should talk to their injector about creating an ongoing treatment plan, including when to schedule touch-up injections.

At Hamilton Skin Clinic we charge by the unit so it is more cost effective once we determine how many units you will need. The results are simply revolutionary!

What Our Clients Say

Wrinkle reduction can address symptoms of Teeth Grinding, TMJ or Bruxism including:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Hypersensitive teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • A painful, tender and tired jaw
  • Unnatural tooth wear
  • Pain or tenderness in the face or around the neck and shoulder area

What Are Wrinkle Reduction Injections?

Neuromodulators or neurotoxins – the substance used in wrinkle reduction injections – are most well-known for “freezing” wrinkles and lines. They are best used for temporary treatment to smooth wrinkles that form as a result of facial movements like frowning, squinting, and smiling.

Wrinkle reduction freezers work by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a chemical that signals muscles to move. They temporarily paralyse those specific muscles that contract, creating common frown lines, crow’s feet, and horizontal lines.

While there is no real downtime associated with this treatment, it is important to note that you may encounter some slight bruising and swelling directly after treatment, due to the needle. This can easily be masked by make-up.

There are no long-term side effects of having wrinkle injections, meaning patients can resume their usual activities straight away, and can also fly post-treatment.

The results can last between four to six months depending on your metabolism speed, lifestyle and many other factors. Expect to see the fantastic results within two to three days following just one treatment, but really kicking in by the second week post-treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the individual, patients may start feeling the effects by the next day, up to two weeks.

The injections last from 3-6 months, after which time treatment can be repeated to maintain the benefit. Some patients may find that treatment helps them to break the cycle, so the habit stops even after the Wrinkle Relaxer has worn off.

Occasionally some localised bruising can occur, but this is quite rare and can usually be masked with makeup.

Overall, studies support the efficacy of wrinkle reduction injection treatments to reduce pain in the muscles of the jaw. One study shows that wrinkle reduction treatment, “reduces the frequency of bruxism events, decrease bruxism-induced pain levels and satisfy the patients’ self-assessment. In another study, all patients treated have declared “a good/very good improvement in symptoms.”

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Hamilton Skin Clinic

TGA Regulations Update

Treatment Name Changes:

"Anti-wrinkle" is now referred to as Wrinkle Relaxer.
"Dermal Filler" is now Facial Volume Replacement.


All patients must book a consultation for treatments.
Most treatments can be provided during the consultation.


Prices are no longer advertised.
Please visit our clinic, send us a message or give us a call at 07 3159 4610 for pricing.