Hamilton Skin Clinic

Frown Lines Treatment

Hamilton Skin Clinic Treatment stats

Treatment Time

15 to 45 minutes
(Depending on number of areas being treated)

Recovery Time

Zero to little recovery time

Results Last

3 to 4 months
(Depending on metabolism & area being treated)

Frown Lines Injections

A Relaxed, Youthful Expression

Repeated movement of the muscle between the eyebrows, which creases every time you frown or squint, causes frown lines. This area, known as the Glabella, can be treated with a muscle relaxant that causes this underlying muscle to contract less. This is one of the most popular areas for muscle relaxant treatments. Frown Lines injections can smooth existing wrinkles and also stop the lines from becoming deeper by preventing the repeated muscle movements causing them. Patients with particularly deep frown lines may want to combine this treatment with dermal volumiser injections to “fill in” the indentations in the skin.

At Hamilton Skin Clinic, Nurse Jo uses only the highest-grade injectables to make tiny injections into the muscles underneath the frown lines to ease them into a state of relaxation, this effectively softens the appearance of lines and creates smoother looking skin.

What Our Clients Say

What to expect from Frown Line Injections?

Frown line injections can be performed in our clinic in less than an hour. A thin needle is used to deliver the muscle relaxant directly into the muscle between the eyebrows and takes just a few moments. Following the injection, the wrinkle reduction product works by causing the muscle to relax.

After receiving a frown line treatment, you’re free to resume your normal activities as there is no required recovery period. This is why frown line injections have become a popular “lunchtime rejuvenation” treatment for patients seeking a quick treatment with no downtime.

Within about a week, the frown lines will have become less noticeable. The muscle relaxant that has been injected blocks signals from the nerves, causing the muscle underneath your frown lines to become weakened. Since the muscle can no longer fully contract, deep creases become smoother. Many patients report noticing differences in their frown lines within just a couple of days.

The effects of frown line injection treatment usually last 3-4 months. As the muscle relaxant wears off, the muscle under the frown lines will regain its ability to contract, and the lines will reappear. Many of our patients schedule regular injections to keep their frown lines at bay.

Treatment Must-Knows & Instructions

How Do I Prepare For Frown Lines Treatment ?

72 Hours Before Treatment

AVOID the use of Ibuprofen, Asprin, Aleve, Fish Oils and Vitamin E Supplements – this helps to prevent bruising

AVOID the use of topical products containing Tretinoin, Retin-A, Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acids, Alpha Hydroxy-Acid or other “Anti-Aging” product

24 Hours Before Treatment

AVOID excessive alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment – this helps to prevent the likelihood of bruising.

Day of Treatment

Arrive 5 – 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment with a clean face – please do not wear makeup

What to Expect with The Treatment?

  • Use a cold compress to reduce swelling or bleeding, if necessary. Ice and over-the-counter medication can be used to reduce any minor side effects. If you do experience these effects, they are easily concealable with makeup.
  • AVOID makeup or product application for 24 hours after treatment to help prevent infection
  • AVOID exposure to intense heat (sun lamp or sunbathing) and/or intense cold for 24 hours after your wrinkle reduction injection treatment
  • AVOID the use of Ibuprofen, Asprin, Fish Oils and Vitamin E Supplements for 24 hours after your treatment
  • AVOID rubbing for your face and any strenuous activities for up to 72-hours post-treatment


  • It takes between 5 days and 10 days for frown line injectables to take effect. 

Treatment frequency

  • Most patients require treatments 3 to 4 times a year for optimal results.
  • After several maintenance treatments, your facial muscles being treated begin to respond much quicker and remain trained, thus requiring less frequent treatments.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Hamilton Skin Clinic

TGA Regulations Update

Treatment Name Changes:

"Anti-wrinkle" is now referred to as Wrinkle Relaxer.
"Dermal Filler" is now Facial Volume Replacement.


All patients must book a consultation for treatments.
Most treatments can be provided during the consultation.


Prices are no longer advertised.
Please visit our clinic, send us a message or give us a call at 07 3159 4610 for pricing.