Hamilton Skin Clinic Treatment stats
Treatment Time
Pain Scale
Patients say it’s almost painless, with a 2 out of 10 pain scale.
Results Last
Results are seen within 3 – 10 days and last up to 4 months.
Men’s antiwrinkle treatment costs about $250 – $500
Personalised treatment to remove wrinkles, look and feel much younger
Anti wrinkle or Brotox can improve a man’s appearance dramatically.
Harbour Cosmetic Clinic’s Brotox for men, or ‘Mantox’ treatment redefines the existing masculine form, restoring the freshness and vitality gradually lost over the years. Mantox is tailored for each man’s specific facial structure and concerns.
The basic anatomy of the male face tends to differ significantly from that of women. Harbour Cosmetic Clinic’s qualified medical staff have years of experience producing superb results for the particular muscle mass and muscle fibre patterns of male faces.
Our doctor-customised Mantox treatment will leave you looking rested, relaxed, invigorated – and like the best, most energised version of yourself.
Achieve a rugged, youthful, natural look, and a whole new confidence
Men like you get Brotox. Here’s what they get out of it.
Those who spend significant amounts of time with clients, running work teams, and in business meetings gain the confidence of knowing they are presenting themselves at top form, especially with younger colleagues.
Men who had become accustomed to looking permanently exhausted now look in the mirror and see their masculine vitality restored. No longer do they wonder what happened to the youthful, energized man they used to be – because they feel like that again. Peak masculine form, once attained, is not something they (or you) will give up.
What kind of man gets Brotox?
Men like you get Brotox. Here’s what they get out of it.
Those who spend significant amounts of time with clients, running work teams, and in business meetings gain the confidence of knowing they are presenting themselves at top form, especially with younger colleagues.
Men who had become accustomed to looking permanently exhausted now look in the mirror and see their masculine vitality restored. No longer do they wonder what happened to the youthful, energized man they used to be – because they feel like that again. Peak masculine form, once attained, is not something they (or you) will give up.
Treatment Must-Knows & Instructions
How Do I Prepare For Volumiser For Men ?
72 Hours Before Treatment
AVOID the use of Ibuprofen, Asprin, Aleve, Fish Oils and Vitamin E Supplements – this helps to prevent bruising
AVOID the use of topical products containing Tretinoin, Retin-A, Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acids, Alpha Hydroxy-Acid or other “Anti-Aging” products
AVOID waxing, bleaching, tweezing or the use of hair removal cream around the lip area
24 Hours Before Treatment
AVOID excessive alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment – this helps to prevent the likelihood of bruising
AVOID waxing, bleaching, tweezing or the use of hair removal cream around the area to be treated
Day of Treatment

Post-treatment Care
- Use a cold compress to reduce swelling, if necessary
- AVOID makeup or product application for 24 hours after treatment to help prevent infection
- AVOID exposure to intense heat (sun lamp or sunbathing) and/or intense cold for 24 hours after your lip volumiser treatment
- AVOID the use of Ibuprofen, Asprin, Fish Oils and Vitamin E Supplements for 24 hours after your lip volumiser treatment
- AVOID the consumption of alcohol up to 48 hours after treatment