Hamilton Skin Clinic


Blue Light Therapy

How Blue Light Therapy Works What is Blue Light Therapy? Blue light therapy involves directly exposing the entire skin area affected by acne to either a continuous or intense pulsed light which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. How does blue light technology work? Blue light kills the acne-causing bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, or P […]

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Acne Scar Treatment

Acne Scars: A Challenge, Not a Sentence Acne scars are a common and frustrating consequence of acne, affecting up to 95% of acne sufferers. Acne typically starts during puberty, but its emotional impact, particularly from scarring, can linger into adulthood. Understanding Scar Formation: Acne scars develop due to an altered wound healing response triggered by

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Acne: Your Guide to Evidence-Based Treatment with Nurse Jo at Hamilton Skin Clinic

Acne: Your Guide to Evidence-Based Treatment with Nurse Jo at Hamilton Skin Clinic Acne vulgaris, commonly known as acne, is a frustrating skin condition affecting millions of people worldwide. This article aims to empower you with knowledge about how to effectively fix acne and the treatment options available with Nurse Jo, a highly-skilled and experienced

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Topical retinoids are a first-line treatment for acne | Cosmetic Nurse Skin Blog

Topical retinoids are a first-line treatment for acne Acne is an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin that primarily involves the face and trunk and affects approximately 9% of the population worldwide (approximately 85% of individuals aged 12-24 years, and approximately 50% of patients aged 20-29 years). Acne can cause permanent physical

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Retinol vs. Retinoid: How to Choose the Right Vitamin A Derivative

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the most effective weapons in the acne battle are vitamin A derivatives. And since vitamin A derivatives are proven to repair photodamage, they’re also the go-to ingredients when it comes to tackling aging issues. Almost everyone can benefit from a topical vitamin A, but confusion reigns

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